Category: General Insurance (home, contents, car)

IT’S NOT WHAT THEY DO AS MUCH AS HOW THEY DO IT that makes AA Insurance a clear winner in the field of home, contents and car insurance. For the 14th year in a row, AA Insurance has been voted the Most Trusted Brand in General Insurance.
As its people are the primary drivers behind the brand, they are empowered to do the right thing for their customers – they care, they help, and they get things sorted. Each claim is handled by an assigned customer manager, who is the main point of contact throughout the process. Every claim is managed by the relevant specialist team, to ensure customers receive expert advice and service.
By measuring and reviewing the customer experience, both digitally and traditionally, AA Insurance is continually refining its service delivery. This ensures customers have the very best experience whether that be on the phone, via their website or through an AA centre.
Visit www.aainsurance.co.nz

"They do what they say they are going to do."
"They are honest and reliable and fair when making a claim."
"They do their best to look after their customers."